Our Instructor

Kelly Jang

Kelly Jang has majored in Oriental Painting and did a Ph.D. study in Oriental Painting and Philosophy at the Graduate School of Hongik University in Seoul, Korea. She is now a self-employed artist with 18 solo exhibitions in Korea and Europe. Since 2020, she has taught at the Culture Education Center C.punt and started her Korean painting studio in Amsterdam. Also, she offers Korean Painting workshops all over The Netherlands, including the Korean Culture Festival 2022 by the Korean Embassy.

Personal website: Kelly Jang

Instagram @studio.kellyjang

Course in Leiden University LAK!


Wanneer is jouw liefde voor je vak begonnen en wat heb je gedaan voordat je hiervan je werk maakte?

I loved my job when I taught at the university during my doctoral studies, and I enjoyed sharing my skill and bits of knowledge with the students. Before this work, I was an artist still I am:) and a lecturer (in Seoul, Korea).

Kun je iets vertellen over de manier waarop je lesgeeft?

I am conducting classes with meditation and storytelling about Korean culture so that participants can understand more about Korean painting.

Wat vind je het leukste aan lesgeven?

Ah-ha moment! One day, a student said that through this class, she learned the beauty of imperfection and could accept herself more as she is. I love the moments when my students and I resonate and feel the sheer joy of seeing their progress.